Webauthn Demo

1. Fill Username field 2. Configure Webauthn options by your preference 3. Press Register button to create user

Attestation Type None value indicates that server does not care about attestation data Indirect value indicates that the server wishes to receive the anonymized attestation data from the authenticator Direct value indicates that the server wishes to receive the attestation data from the authenticator

User Verification Discouraged value indicates that server does not want user verification employed during the register/login operation Preferred value indicates that the server prefers user verification for register/login operation Required value indicates that the server requires user verification for register/login operation and will fail if it's not provided

Register with Resident Key If No option is selected username will be required for login operation If Yes option is selected credentials will be stored on authenticator When credentials are stored on authenticator it is posible to login without username by using Resident Login button

Note: Credentials will expire after 24h

Login options

If you have registred a user, you can sign in by pressing Login button. For login operation Username field is required and you can change User Verification option

If during registration Yes option is selected for Register with Resident Key, you will be able to login without the need for username since credentials are stored on authenticator To login with Resident key press Resident Login button

To check if your authenticator is original Cryptnox device press Check Authenticity button In this case there is no need to enter Username